Exercising regularly has so many health benefits such as helping to control weight changes, reducing risks of heart disease, managing blood sugar levels in the body, improving overall mood and mental health, strengthening bones and muscles and so much more! What you may not know is that when you exercise on a regular basis, you are also helping to prevent or reduce the appearance of cellulite. Cellulite will occur when skin fibers become weaker or even lose the skin’s elasticity. When you exercise, you are stretching and strengthening those areas as well as burning fat overall.
Cardiovascular exercise is the most common exercise. When you burn calories while walking, running, hiking, or biking, you are burning fat. That immediately makes cellulite harder to spot. One of my favorite things to do is climbing stairs. You can use a machine for that or if you do not have access to a gym, simply use any staircase. You will burn a lot of calories by doing this and you are targeting the muscle areas that have the most amount if cellulite.
Strength training can be extremely helpful in addition to cardiovascular previously mentioned. 20 minutes a day is all you need to shape those muscles and help wipe out some dimples. Some popular moves are step up with a reverse lunge, it will target your quads, glutes, and hamstrings. Curtsy lunge- this is great for hip stabilization as well as working those quads and hamstrings. Lateral lunge or side lunge is great for burning fat from the inner thighs as well as the outer thighs. Squats  have many variations and you can add a dumbbell for extra burning. This is good for targeting the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Bridges can be done anywhere, and no equipment is needed, this is a good exercise if you suffer from back pain because this doesn’t put any pressure on the back. You can go traditional bridges or even raise one leg for a more difficult variation.
 These are some suggestions but please remember that to get the most out of these exercises or any for that matter, you must eat a well-balanced diet and hydrate a lot. This is key to a healthy lifestyle.